Foqus Accounting provides complete professional accounting services for companies and Authorized persons in Romania. You may choose between traditional accounting services, which involve taking physical documents from the client and operating them in accounting software or digital or online accounting services, which involve the use of a digital accounting program in the cloud. The major advantage of online accounting is the real-time tracking of revenue and expenditures, thus becoming the main way of controlling the business by the owners.
We provide complete accounting services consisting of:
Financial analysis helps you assess economic trends, establish financial policies and business plans for long-term business development, or invest in sustainable projects.
We provide the following services:
We provide extrajudicial accounting expertise services requested by clients who need clarification related to the conduct of transactions or in case there are doubts about the calculation of taxes and fees.
If you are an international company that trades on the Romanian market without having a permanent headquarters and you have VAT reporting obligations, we can keep your accounts simplified according to your needs and be sure that you have fulfilled your VAT reporting obligations.
Our services include:
We welcome our clients with a series of services offering customized solutions to business needs, especially those arising from the Companies Law, the Accounting Law and the Tax Code, including:
Foqus Accounting was established in 2003 and offers professional accounting and financial audit services to small and medium-sized companies, liberal professions and NGOs.
Str. Nichita Stanescu nr. 76, Green Future Residence, Vila L8, Mogosoaia, Jud. Ilfov